Advanced 🏄‍♀️
Memo & Effect

Memo and Effect

memo and effect functions are tools to handle custom hooks. When you work with a custom hook that shares state or functionality, they won't necessarily use the same instance or cache. That's where memo and effect functions come in handy to address this problem.


memo is a higher-order function that makes your custom function behave like an instance.


effect is a function similar to useEffect that helps you manage dependencies provided to the function.


To capture useEffect properly, use effect instead of useEffect. Remember that effect should be exclusively used within the memo function.


import { memo, effect, shard, useShard } from "shimmershards";
const counterShard = shard(0);
export const useCounter = memo(() => {
  const [counter, setCounter] = useShard(counterShard);
  effect(() => {
  }, [counter]);
  return { counter, setCounter };