Usage 👩‍💻

Scope 🔭

How it works?

The Scope allows you to localize shard states to specific sections of your application. By wrapping components with the Scope component, you can separate shard states, ensuring that updates in one scope do not affect others, even if the same shard is used.

import { Scope, shard, useShard } from "shimmershards";
// Create two shards, one for name and one for age
const nameShard = shard("John");
const ageShard = shard(18);
// Child component that uses the name and age shards
const Child = () => {
  const [age, setAge] = useShard(ageShard);
  const [name, setName] = useShard(nameShard);
  return (
      age: {age}
      name: {name}
      <button onClick={() => setAge((prev) => prev + 1)}>increase age</button>
      <input value={name} onChange={(e) => setName(} />
const Component = () => {
  const [age, setAge] = useShard(ageShard);
  const [name, setName] = useShard(nameShard);
  return (
      {/* Outside scope */}
        age: {age}
        name: {name}
      <br />
      <Scope shards={[nameShard, ageShard]}>
        {/* Scope A */}
        <Child />
      <br />
      <Scope shards={[nameShard, ageShard]}>
        {/* Scope B */}
        <Child />

With the Scope component, you can manage shard states independently within different sections of your application. Any updates to the state within one scope will not impact the state in other scopes or the outside scope, even if you are using the same shards. And for others, a shard or cluster that not passing to Scope props will be using global state sync like a regular shard.

Using scope with Cluster

import { Scope, shard, useCluster } from "shimmershards";
// Create two shards, one for name and one for age
const nameShard = shard("John");
const ageShard = shard(18);
// Create a cluster with the name and age shards
const cluster = {
  useName: nameShard,
  useAge: ageShard,
// Child component that uses the cluster
const Child = () => {
  const { useName, useAge } = useCluster(cluster);
  const [age, setAge] = useAge();
  const [name, setName] = useName();
  return (
      age: {age}
      name: {name}
      <button onClick={() => setAge((prev) => prev + 1)}>increase age</button>
      <input value={name} onChange={(e) => setName(} />
const Component = () => {
  const { useName, useAge } = useCluster(cluster);
  const [age, setAge] = useAge();
  const [name, setName] = useName();
  return (
      {/* Outside scope */}
        age: {age}
        name: {name}
      <br />
      <Scope shards={cluster}>
        {/* Scope A */}
        <Child />
      <br />
      <Scope shards={cluster}>
        {/* Scope B */}
        <Child />


To utilize a Scope, you need to call either useShard or useCluster within a child component that is placed under a Scope. The shard or cluster will then recognize the specific scope to which they belong based on where they are called.

Will not work

const Component = () => {
  const { useName, useAge } = useCluster(cluster);
  const [age, setAge] = useAge();
  const [name, setName] = useName();
  return (
      {/* Outside scope */}
        age: {age}
        name: {name}
      <br />
      <Scope shards={cluster}>
        {/* this age state will consuming the global scope anyway*/}
        <p> age: {age}</p>
      <br />