Usage 👩‍💻
First steps


npm i shimmershards

Using shard


The shard function is creating a Shard. A shard represents a piece of state abstraction. The shard itself doesn't hold any state value. The function needs an initial value.

import { shard } from "shimmershards";
// create a shard
const counterShard = shard(0);

To access the state, you must use the function called useShard. If you're using the same shard instance, the state can be shared across multiple components.


The useShard functionality is the same as React's useState. But will take a shard instance as a parameter instead.

import { shard, useShard } from "shimmershards";
// create a shard
const counterShard = shard(0);
const Component = () => {
  // using created shard via useShard
  const [counter, setCounter] = useShard(counterShard);
  return (
    <button onClick={() => setCounter((prev) => prev + 1)}>
      counter: {counter} + 1

State sharing

If you want to share the state across the app, you can export the shard.

import { shard } from "shimmershards";
export const counterShard = shard(0);

Now you can import and use it in other components.

import { counterShard } from "../dir";
import { useShard } from "shimmershards";
const const ComponentA = () => {
  const [counter, setCounter] = useShard(counterShard);
  return <div>ComponentA: {counter}</div>;
export const ComponentB = () => {
  const [counter, setCounter] = useShard(counterShard);
  return <div>ComponentB: {counter}</div>;

When the state is updated in one place, all components using that shard will be in sync.